The Serpent And The Cross
The enemy’s introduction into mankind was not as satan, the devil, or the dragon. Man’s arch-enemy made his grand entrance into the affairs of man as the serpent. The law of first mention dictates that the meaning of a thing when it first appears or is first mentioned in scripture – maintains its meaning with every future occurrence. The devil is called the serpent in the Garden of Eden, not because he transformed into a serpent in order to tempt Eve and not because it’s some fictional allegory to mystify what happened in the beginning with man. But satan is originally named the serpent when he first appeared because that is who and what he was created as – the serpent. The Serpent and The Cross will re-present man’s greatest nemesis in the light of scripture. We will reexamine the biblical text and witness God’s Spirit breath afresh concerning the true identity of satan and unfold mysteries pertaining to the serpent and the journey of man from the fall in the Garden of Eden to man’s redemption at the Cross of Calvary. God’s hidden wisdom was on display when Jesus became sin in order to destroy the power of sin.
Black Wives Matter
Prepare to be catapulted into the lore of ancient, biblical history…even if history is not your forte, it might be after this revealing, riveting read. Romel Moore does not disappoint, as he sews you into the fabric of the plight of these resilient, first Black wives using their illustrious DNA as the thread to bind the struggles of their plight, into the tapestry of today’s relative diaspora of the Black family structure. The powerful, descriptive narrative of these Black alpha wives more than inspires, it places the Black woman back on her true pedestal that she originated from with her crown restored, instilling a greater sense of self-worth for Black women of all ages. I consider this work to be an essential manuscript for the Black man to truly fathom the myriad of roles the Black woman plays in his life, while reintroducing an ultimate truism to the Black man in particular: the darker the woman, the deeper his Hebrew roots. Romel Moore had my adrenaline racing with reference to the fact that the Black woman/wife has been time-stamped and approved by Yehova Himself, in the handpicking of a Black woman to be the ultimate progenitor in birthing the Hebrew tribes! This extraordinary historical analysis is akin to a Hebraic balm in Gilead, as Romel Moore delivers the truth, citing receipts to assist in healing the metaphorical scars that ancient Black wives endured… and in many cases Black wives are still coping with the identical struggles of our ancestors, thus making BLACK WIVES MATTER one of Romel Moore’s most prevalent, profound, and prompt works yet!
Foreword by Sonya Marie Bowman
Pitched Toward Sodom
The secret to sin is how it’s cyclical. The enemy understands sin’s process in the human soul better than we do. Sin’s power isn’t in what it does to us more than what it does in us. The story of Abraham’s Nephew Lot is a great biblical example of this truth. Lot went from pitching his tent toward Sodom, to moving into Sodom and then to becoming Sodom’s mayor before Divine judgement destroyed the region. Lot’s life reveals to us the insidious depravity of sin and how it can infect even righteous men and women. God does not give us commandments in order to hurt us or make our lives difficult. He gives us His commandments to save us from unnecessary pitfalls. The unfortunate story of Lot serves as a reminder that God’s laws are here for our protection.
Fearless Faith
As we read the Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation, there is one glaring character flaw in many who were in covenant with God; they were faithless. Fear, doubt and unbelief plagued the hearts of countless people who dared to follow God. Jesus repeatedly rebuked His own disciples for lack of faith and gave boisterous applause to others who had great faith but were not in Divine covenant. Why is it so difficult to trust God, continually? What makes us doubt and despair right after witnessing the Lord deliver us? Why is it so easy to murmur and complain when God has always been faithful? God does not give any allowance for not having faith and He will never excuse doubting His faithfulness. This book will detail stories of my adventures, traveling the country in my Chrysler 300, while going through a very difficult divorce. With little to no finances, the Lord gave great grace.
Fight Back
One of the forgotten attributes of God that every Believer must develop in their lives is that of the warrior. God is a God of war and this is more relevant today than ever before. We’re living in times where the devil isn’t even trying to hide anymore, and unfortunately, many still do not see him because this is a season of great deception. The only answer to the enemy’s lies and deception is truth. However, when we decide to be truth-bearers, we must prepare for war. The American Church is experiencing unprecedented hostility as the spirit of anti-Christ is alive and well. This is not the time or season for the Body of Christ to continue as it did in times past because war has been declared against the Church. We cannot respond with passivity and comply with the demands of the kingdom of darkness. The devil hates God’s Church, and if he can checkmate the American Church, he can fulfill his one-world government, sinister plans. We are not only the bodyguard for righteousness and freedom but God’s ordained bully to the evil unseen kingdom. The Body of Christ is no place for cowards. It’s time to fight back!
Mark Of Mercy
As the stories of the Bible are read in awe, God’s hand of mercy often goes unnoticed within the context of the phenomenal. One of those instances can be found when observing the life of Cain. He was the firstborn son, the first procreated human being of the first man and woman of time, Adam and Eve. Remarkable as that is, he is most infamously known for being the first murderer on Earth. Cain’s jealousy led to rebellion which led to a violent act that ended the life of his brother, Abel. The unfolding drama put an unsettling mark on him in our minds, but where sin abounds, grace much more abounds. Cain certainly deserved God’s judgment, but Cain was not immediately struck down just as he had done so to his brother. Instead, God placed a mark on Cain to warn all who crossed his path that God himself would avenge his death sevenfold should anyone attempt to kill him. God gave Cain the Mark of Mercy. The very first son of man got to learn firsthand of our Father’s unconditional love. Our Creator won’t leave us in our sin. No matter how many times we ignore His call or rebel against His lovingkindness, He will not give up on us. He desires not for us to die in our sins. God takes the foolishness of this world to confound the wise. His mercies are anew daily.
A Revelation of Eve
“The Mother of All Living” is a title to behold. It stirs up a sense of honor, endearment, beauty, and grace- every lovely virtue that founds this Earth as a home. Is the same sense of admiration inspired when we mention the name, Eve? Characteristically, that name is recalled with an unfortunate perception of disappointment, foolishness and falter to temptation. The first woman ever graced by God to walk, rule, and bear souls into this world should be considered with care if we are to understand modern woman’s purpose and plan under God’s precepts. But who was this woman that Adam so loved that he was willing to sacrifice his superior communion with the Father for? Our God is a God of relationships. Within the sanctity of marriage, no one will pray, cover, assist, love, counsel, and admire a man better than his wife. There is no calling more complimenting or vital to all life itself than the role of a woman. “Revelation of Eve” proposes to elucidate through scripture, creation’s beloved matriarch. It dedicates itself as a gift for man’s most precious asset in the highest esteem.
A Revelation Of Passover
Deliverance is in the details. Intricate, specific, instructive, explicit, words not commonly evoked when we reminisce the greatest gift of mercy given. Calvary’s requirements were not our cup to bear. We need simply just to receive its grace. The memorial of the work done on the Cross, in fact, preceded it prophetically at Passover. A day that was later instituted for the Jews to give reverence for their freedom from Egyptian bondage also pointed to the ultimate day of hallmark, for all peoples to be released from the wages of sin. When we revisit the most important event of Exodus with close attention, we begin to realize God had a purpose for every stipulation commanded of Moses. The particulars of Passover tend to get lost in tradition especially when the general idea of it becomes a mere custom in our churches. However, this was the one miracle commanded, of the Hebrews to actively participate in so that they would escape certain death that God himself would bring. Before the blood dripped from the doorposts, the generation that would soon be liberated adhered closely to Jehovah’s every condition. “Revelation of Passover” observes the Lord’s detailed list of orders so that this day of remembrance can be truly commemorated and never again passed over.
Avatar: The First And Last Adam
Avatar means the descent of a deity to earth in an incarnate form or some manifest shape, the incarnation of god. The origin of avatar is: Sanskrit avatar, a passing down, equivalent to ava, (down) and tara (a passing over.) The only true Avatar man has ever known is Jesus Christ. Jesus is one hundred percent God and one hundred percent man, the only God-man. After the Fall of man, man was inevitably stuck in sin and enslaved to sin. We are not able to save ourselves from sin and death; only God can save us. If God had not chosen to Avatar “cross over or descend,” mankind would have been forever doomed. The story of the birth, life, and sacrifice of Jesus is the only true story of the Avatar. As I study other religions of the world, I find one very detrimental element missing: Redemption! There is much wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in Buddhism, Islam, Shintoism, etc., but there is no answer to sin and death. Sin and death has plagued mankind since the beginning. Judaism and Christianity, alone deal with the story of sin and God’s ultimate answer to it found in our Avatar, Jesus Christ.
A Revelation Of Tithing: God Does Not Want Your Dime
Giving was very important in the churches I grew up in and tithing was without a doubt, paramount. The pastor made sure we understood the difference between tithes and offerings and how the tithe was “a mandatory tax” and the offering was above and beyond the tithe. It was explicitly clear that the tithe was not an offering. I never totally agreed with the tithe teaching, but it was part of the fundamentals of Christianity and I had to accept it. After I got married and had two young sons, I went to church two to three times a week and all day on Sunday. Have you ever wondered why some churches pass the offering bucket when it’s time to give, while other churches have the people stand and walk around to give? This is because the leadership understands that when people are made to stand publicly and walk around and pass the offering basket, they are put in a position of embarrassment if they have nothing to give, and it works like a charm! Most people are paid on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. However, the tithe is requested during every service and separate from the offering in many churches. This is also done purposefully. Even though many members pay their tithes during Sunday Service, the request being made during weekly services places more pressure for members to give although they have already given. I’ve seen the most egregious abuses in Church regarding money: getting paid for prophesies, reading Scriptures on the punishment for breaking vows, and emphasizing living under the curse for not paying “the tax of the tithe.” In hindsight, I cannot believe some of the errors pertaining to finances that I’ve witnessed in church. They do happen and continue to occur.
In 2002, I started a new church. And like every other church in America, I continued to teach the doctrine of tithing. Some of my members struggled with giving ten percent of their income, while others, like me, had been indoctrinated and conditioned to do so for so long that we gave without hesitation. I was determined to take up only one offering during any service instead of the multiple offerings I had grown up witnessing and I was accustomed to. As a pastor, I did not take up two offerings for the tithe and the offering, but took both at the same time. I hated that so much of church was about money and I did not want my members feeling the same way I felt when I attended church. So I spent as little time as possible on giving. There were even services that I did not solicit finances from the people. However, in the end this still proved to be only baby steps in the right direction. It wasn’t until I went through a season where I lost everything and in my anger towards God about my misfortune, that He challenged me to question everything I ever believed in and completely start over. Many of us grew up in religious environments that frowned upon leadership being questioned about anything. As a result, we have that same attitude with our Heavenly Father. However, if we are not asking questions, we are not learning. God does not have a problem with us asking questions. As a student of the Word of God I began to ask the Holy Spirit about everything taught to me by the church and this journey has lead to many of the books I have published. A Revelation of Tithing came from this experience. May the truth set you free.
Me, Myself And I: The Unholy Trinity
A certain man noticed that the hummingbird taking up residence in the birdhouse in his front yard began to fly violently into his car after he would return home. After realizing it was not an isolated incident, he began to pay closer attention to the bird’s behavior. He noticed the bird would fly violently into the car, but not just any part of the vehicle, but particularly, only the mirrors, glass, and chrome parts. He did a little research about hummingbirds and discovered that they are very territorial and will defend their turf with great zeal. This led him to understand that the hummingbird was not going crazy each time it crashed into his car, but because it only flew into the parts of the car that gave a clear reflection, the bird actually thought he was engaging the enemy, when in reality, who he thought was the enemy was really himself. The hummingbird did not understand that he was the enemy and that is why he continued to fly violently into the car. Usually, what we see in others who infuriate us and cause us to become angry, judgmental, and even violent, is just a reflection of what is actually on the inside of us. Instead of pointing the finger, or slandering others, we need to take a “checkup from the neck up” and make sure we are not like the hummingbird: quick to defend unauthorized territory and perpetuating repeated mistakes, accidents, and head-on collisions. What this story reveals to us is that the real enemy is exactly that: IN-A-ME.
A Revelation Of Gabriel
Angelus Domini. Angel of the Lord. A messenger of God is a being who delivers a word of prominence unto select souls directly from Heaven’s throne. Reports that are momentous in the highest rapport always regard the coming Messiah. Tidings of such immeasurable revelation were entrusted to one angel of apparent uniqueness. Amongst the only two angels identified by name in the Hebrew Bible, Gabriel himself is the herald most revealed in both Old and New Testaments. Perhaps for that reason, blasphemers have attempted to seize spiritual mystery by exaggerating his affairs and citing him when founding the world’s most prominent religions. The angel whose name means, “man of God” has been the most relative to mankind. But why? “A Revelation of Gabriel” dares to bring an enigmatic figure into focus and exhorts a bold claim that sustains confident in Scripture. This book will inspire a hunger for things unknown and unseen. Feed on the meat of God’s Word, and chew on the unspoken.
A Revelation Of The Kingdom Of Heaven
The arrival of Jesus the King also initiated the introduction into something that had never before been available since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden: the Kingdom of Heaven. The message of John the Baptist and Jesus was more than a fresh revelation from Heaven. After 400 years of Israel’s spiritual famine, when these two men began to preach, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand,” God was literally announcing the establishment and worldwide influence of Heaven on earth. Jesus used an ancient form of teaching called parables to relay the message of the Kingdom of Heaven. Within His parables are the truths and keys of the Kingdom needed to properly understand exactly what the Kingdom of Heaven is and how it works. This book will endeavor to bring insight and understanding concerning Jesus’ parables about the Kingdom of Heaven and bring the reader to precise conclusions revealed from Jesus’ own Words. In the end, you will comprehend how the Kingdom probably is not what you’ve previously been taught to believe.
Spirit Soul & Body: A Revelation Of Man
God created man in His image and after His likeness as a tripartite being who consists of spirit, soul, and body. We are a spirit, who has a soul, and lives in a body. This truth is hidden in biblical types. By using the language of symbolism, the spirit, soul, and body are revealed. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. The pictures that Scripture provides help us to unlock the revelation of God’s Word. A rich understanding of the makeup of God’s highest creation called man, who is a triune being, is brought into greater light with Redemption’s Story at its heart. We are two-thirds spiritual and one-third natural. It is imperative for every citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven to know how God created us and the Divine order He established for us to live by. Every part of man’s triune being has a specific purpose. The focus of this book is to illuminate God’s Divine understanding concerning man’s unique design of spirit, soul, and body.
Secret Place
Before intimacy takes place in marriage, an atmosphere is usually created to help entice our spouse. Waiting until it’s nighttime and quiet, lighting candles, playing slow love songs, and surprising our spouse with hidden gifts, all can be used to woo our lover and set the tone for great intimacy. The third room in the Tabernacle was called, Holiest of All and was a type of Bedchamber.¹ Only one person who is the High Priest was allowed to enter behind the veil of this sacred room where there was no physical light, only the glory of God lit the room. The Ark of the Covenant was the only piece of furniture behind the veil. This room is God’s Secret Place and on the Day of Pentecost He sent His Holy Spirit to live in each of us. Daily, God’s Spirit yearns to usher us into the Bedchamber of God’s Secret Place where the atmosphere of intimacy is prepared and relationship between God and man is restored. Psalm 91:1 states, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” This verse is a picture of a husband and wife being intimate, as the wife is under (the shadow of) her husband. God’s Secret Place is when we get under Him and allow the Holy Ghost to take us to the treasures of the Spirit.
Apollyon: The Spirit Of Homosexuality
While growing up in the inner city of Chicago in the 70’s and 80’s and going to high school in Michigan, I remember seeing very few people who were homosexuals and virtually none who were transgender. Occasionally, there was one male in most families, in our community, who was thought to have feminine ways and depending on the population of the high school, maybe one or two effeminate males in our Michigan high schools. Unlike the norms of the Millennials today, the presence of homosexuality was simply taboo. Like most things in life, what humans do not understand, we usually fear and judge out of ignorance. In 2002, I started a church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. To my great surprise, at least fifty percent of the congregation were either “gay” or had immediate family members who were “gay.” They came to the church, regularly. Out of my fear and lack of knowledge, (since I grew up in a generation where homosexuality was virtually unheard of), I would find a way to insert the Divine judgement of Sodom and Gomorrah whenever I knew a homosexual was sitting in Service. It wasn’t because I wanted every “gay” person to think they were going to hell. It was because I had never seen so many homosexuals from where I was from and it seemed they were coming to the church I was pastoring to make a point to me. I was going to let them know, that I was definitely not having it at the church I pastored. One night, the Lord impressed upon my heart that many of the “gays” in the community were coming to my church because they knew I would give them the truth. I believe the Lord was directing me to stop beating them up and love them. I obeyed God and set aside my seemingly homophobic attitude. I began treating them as I would anyone under God’s care. Anyone who says they do not have stereotypical ways and mindsets are fooling themselves. It takes God many years to truly cleanse us from the hatred, racism, and ignorance we learned as we grew up. I learned that the homosexual community who attended my church loved God with all their hearts and many of their stories were horrific. They already knew their lifestyle was not in line with God’s Word and they truly desired to do His will. There is no seminary or Bible college that can really prepare a person for real life ministry. It is “on the job training” and only those who have God’s heart will lead the people without doing too much harm because of our own personal issues and biases. I welcomed many “gays” who came to church deep in the grip of homosexuality and they were able to change their lives and do their best to live according to the Bible, by the grace and power of God. They were talented, faithful, and the kind of person every pastor prays for concerning commitment and loyalty. The problem is never God or His Word. It is always His representatives who are still under construction. There is much the homosexual community has to offer the Body of Christ and it is the Christian’s assignment to properly reach them through God’s grace and love and lead them to eternal life. It does not matter if you believe a person is born homosexual or not because we all must be Born Again.
Dressed To Kill
John the Baptist is one of the most peculiar people in Scripture. The Bible says that he wore camel’s hair and his diet consisted of locusts and wild honey. Before his arrival, Israel had not experienced any genuine words, dreams, or visitations of God for almost four hundred years. John’s purpose was to be Christ’s forerunner, and as such, he definitely did not look the part. As the American church falls into greater moral and spiritual decay, history has a pattern of repeating itself as God is raising up another peculiar generation who will yet again wear camel’s hair and feast from the unusual diet of locusts and wild honey. John was the forerunner before Christ’s First Coming. The remnant of today, wearing camel’s hair, doesn’t fit in religion’s model of Christianity. There is a company of forgotten, sanctified “Bible Bandits” who have been rejected by the spiritual powers that be, and who have been living off of the biblical, discarded nourishment of locusts and wild honey. These mysterious, eccentric, unconventional Believers are about to come out of obscurity and have their day of reckoning on the world’s scene. This powerful company of men and women will be dressed to kill in camel’s hair.
A Revelation Of Adam
God’s first man, Adam, is one of the most misunderstood persons in history. We’ve not fully appreciated the first of God’s creation made in His image and after His likeness. A Revelation of Adam will re-present man’s progenitor in a fresh new light as the word of God becomes alive right before your eyes. God does not make mistakes and the story of our forefather will prove this. Adam’s intelligence and power was limitless and its all hidden in the biblical text. As we reexamine the second chapter of Genesis we will be left without question of the awesomeness of the one God called Adam and God’s original purpose for him which is still yet at work today.
A Revelation of Prayer
Most of us go through life with so many unanswered prayers that we have become immune to it. If we take a close survey of our prayer life it would be easy to conclude that God is far from us. But God is never the problem when it comes to prayer. The issue is always with us. “A Revelation of Prayer” looks at the obvious issues we have pertaining to so many unanswered prayers and unveils the deep, yet simple truth the scriptures instruct us about prayer. God desires to tell us yes for every prayer, but it comes with one prerequisite. We’ve been stuck in a religious time warp about prayer where unanswered prayers have become the norm. This isn’t God’s design or intent. Religion is what has taught us to keep praying, though we never hear from God. To keep giving regardless of any real proof that a harvest is coming. To continue our blind loyalty to church and denominationalism, even though our relationship with God weakens. It is time for the ignorance to stop and for us to wake up and know the Living God as He intended from the beginning.
Lord Remember Me: The Cry Of The Body Of Christ
In Romans 15:4, the Apostle Paul says, “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” The Word of God has many stories detailing personal struggles of people in scripture. God has saw fit to include these stories so that we may relate and learn from them. God remembered Rachel after her barrenness and personal battle in relation to her oldest sister, Leah. God remembered Samson after his fall and humiliation from his relationship with Delilah. God remembered the thief on Jesus’ right side as he was hanging on the cross and asked Jesus to remember him. We all go through things in life that will dismember us or break us. God will not leave us broken and dismembered, but He promises to remember us, resurrect us, and put us back together again. It is my prayer that as you read through the pages of this book, you will learn from the life experiences of Rachel, Samson and the thief at Jesus’ right hand and that you will find comfort and hope.
Biblical Origami: Folding Scripture To Unfold Scripture
Origami is the Japanese art of folding paper into decorative art and figures. Origami takes a flat sheet of paper and through the art and skill of folding is able to create almost anything in a three-dimensional shape. As I watched a documentary on origami it became clear to me that the way the Spirit of God taught me how to interpret scripture is the same principle which I call Biblical Origami. In the documentary on Origami, Origami has transcended from just making art and figures to adapting into sciences and industries. Origami basic principle of folding in order to create something three-dimensional is now used in the medical field and even astrophysics. Presently, experts are able fold other materials like glass and plastics to accomplish the same outcome as the Japanese does with paper. Algorithms has been created that can print out the exact places to fold on any flat sheet of paper to create just about any shape or object. The revelation is in knowing where to fold. If the flat sheet of paper is folded in the right places, the desired shape or object is guaranteed to be formed. This is exactly how proper interpretation of the Bible is accomplished. If we take the principle of Origami and apply it scripturally we will discover God had this in mind from the beginning. Hermeneutics is the principles of interpreting scripture. If we apply each principle of scripture interpretation as a fold of the flat sheet of paper in Origami, the intended shape and form will always be revealed which is the Person of Jesus Christ our Lord. All Biblical history is His-story. Jesus is the Word of God and every Bible story has His Person, life, and redemption story hidden within its pages. Using proper Biblical interpretive principles in each passage of the Bible as a symbolic fold in the Biblical narrative, the Spirit of God Who is the Spirit of Truth, will unveil redemptions story and the presence of Christ without fail. In essence, the more we fold the more will unfold. This is Biblical Origami.
Lazarus And The Rich Man: A Revelation Of The Church
The sixteenth Chapter of Luke records Jesus’ story of Lazarus and the Rich Man. As I meditated on this passage, the Lord began to speak something fresh to me. The rich man was a picture of the Church and Lazarus represented those who do not know God. This book will reveal the true purpose of the Church of Jesus Christ and the attitude many in the Body of Christ have taken toward those outside the knowledge of salvation. It is my prayer that a spirit of humility and compassion will be stirred up in every person who reads this book. If we say we love God, but mistreat and neglect our fellow man, we are liars. The only proof of our love for God, Whom we have not seen, is how we love humanity, whom we can see.
Blame It On The Alcohol: A Revelation Of Pentecost
It has been said that God the Father is God without flesh; Jesus, God the Son is God in the flesh; and the Holy Spirit is God in our flesh. The One who once brooded over the waters at the beginning of creation finally came to indwell in us on the day of Pentecost. More than inhabit hosts of an imperfect nature, the Holy Spirit came to empower mankind with supernatural power- all for God’s glory. It was on that glorious day that God’s breath returned to His most beloved creation. Being able to move in, rest in, and rest under the Spirit is an offer unto all who call Yeshua, Lord. The first assembly to experience the reunion of Ruach was also participating in the miracle birth of the Church, the Body of Christ. In a moment that came with such force, these initiators of the Living Word began operating in a manner that provoked the mockery of drunkenness. Liquors and spirits can control our free will down to its weakest but being vessels of the Holy Spirit will freely channel a mighty outpouring of Heaven down to Earth.
A Revelation Of Noah
God’s instruction to Noah to build an enormous boat when the Earth had not yet experienced rain from Heaven was not trivial. Everything pertaining to Noah and the Ark was a foreshadow of the coming Christ. Jesus is the Word of God and all biblical history is “His-story.” Jesus said, “Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.” Hebrews 10:7. The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. Every biblical story points to a revelation of Jesus and His Church. Noah and the building of the Ark is no exception. During history’s greatest season of judgment, Noah found grace in the eyes of God. Noah was the first person in Scripture to preach the message of grace and his life story is a fresh reminder for us today that “where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” Romans 5:20.
Curse Of The Firstborn
Under the Law of Moses, every firstborn son was designated to receive the full inheritance and blessing from his father. The purpose of this book is to examine the Scriptures that explain why the firstborn son rarely received the father’s inheritance and blessing. Our human birth is our first birth and when we are born again, it is our spiritual birth or second birth. We are born in the flesh, and then we are born again spiritually. Our first birth is cursed because we are all “shapen in iniquity; and (born) in sin” (Psalm 51:5) and because of this, we cannot receive the blessing of Father God. It is when our second birth occurs, that we are made in the image and likeness of God and have God’s nature; this qualifies us for the full inheritance and blessing of God. Curse of the Firstborn will walk you from the Garden of Eden to Calvary, revealing how God’s blessing was never given to the firstborn son because he represents the flesh. God’s blessing was always given to the youngest son because he represents the Spirit.
A Revelation Of Praise
Before the worlds were formed, God predestined that the giant, Goliath die by a stone. Through ways only He could prearrange, God secured who would rule over His people at the time of Goliath’s defiance. Catalyzing His plan meant effecting the prejudice to elect a king from the tribe of Benjamin- a tribe anointed with the throwing of stones. That meant they had the ability to exact pieces of rock and strike targets without miss. Saul, the first King of Israel was born from this band of slick slingers. Unfortunately, by the time of Goliath’s havoc, King Saul earned God’s rejection. The entire army of Israel down from their cowardly king dared not duel with the great giant of Gath. That was until a ruddy shepherd boy from a town called Bethlehem in the land of Judea arrived on the scene. His name was David. This unexpected character personifies what it means to be a supreme game changer. The next act in this legendary story is a prophetic picture of how our praise to God is truly a weapon of mass destruction against the enemy. You will never view your praise the same again.
In My Father’s House: A Revelation Of Heaven
John 8:32 says, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Freedom is connected to knowledge, knowledge of the truth. God does not desire His children to be ignorant concerning any area of their life, especially His Word. There are many untrue beliefs about Heaven and we must understand that a half-truth is a whole lie. It is imperative that we study to show ourselves approved unto God and rightly divide His Word, (2Timothy 2:15) in order for truth to prevail. God’s Word is light, and it keeps us from the darkness of ignorance. In My Father’s House, A Revelation of Heaven examines the Scriptures pertaining to Heaven and offers insight that will set one free from past doctrines of error and untrue realities concerning the Believer’s expectations after death.
The Sign
Luke 2:12 says, “And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” The birth of Jesus has been taught many times over throughout history. Over time, the retelling of the little babe born in Bethlehem became a novelty known simply as the Christmas story. “The Sign” re-presents the Christmas story by focusing its spotlight on the manger. It is there that we can see clearly the purposes of the angel’s grand announcement as told in the Gospel of Luke. Beyond their visitation to the shepherds in the field, the arrival of wise men from the east, and King Herod’s rage over the coming of the King, there remains much more insight to uncover about the site and sight of the Birth of Christ. Take a journey with me as the Spirit of God connects this story prophetically from Genesis to Revelation.
A Revelation Of Joseph
Who’d knew the eleventh son of Jacob would become the savior of his people? Joseph’s name means, “another shall come” which pointed to the coming of his younger brother, Benjamin. The firstborn of Rachel and the eleventh son of Jacob proved to be a gift from God. In light of the things to come, the story of Joseph is one of the most prophetic stories in all of scripture. Every scene of his tragic and triumphant life points to the Lord Jesus Christ. The scriptures come alive as “A Revelation of Joseph” pin point details of Joseph’s life and reveal the life and purpose of Christ. A Revelation of Joseph will not regurgitate already known truth and parallels of Joseph and Jesus, but will trailblaze and navigate new and unknown paths and parts of Joseph’s life that few venture into. Joseph’s age, coat of many colors, and position as the eleventh son of Jacob makes for amazing reading and insight as the Spirit of God extrapolate unseen before mysteries.
A Revelation Of Calvary
Jesus’ arrival to Planet Earth came with many parallels. The first Adam was created and clothed in God’s glory while naked and placed in a Garden of Paradise. Adam sinned, and was banished from Eden as God clothed him in animal skins. The Second Adam, Jesus, was born in a stable, that housed animals. He was banished from Earth (crucified) while hanging naked on the Cross for the sins of man, but returned to Eden clothed in God’s glory. The first Adam lived in a garden and the second Adam was buried in a garden. The first Adam ate from a tree and fell, the Second Adam died on a tree so that we could get up. The first Adam ate from the forbidden tree because his wife, who came from his side, gave it to him to eat. The Second Adam ate the fruit of death on the tree of Calvary so His wife (fallen man) could return to Him as His side was pierced with a spear.
A Revelation Of The Sons Of God
As the last days of this age approach, and Bible prophecies are fulfilled right before our eyes, I believe the time is ripe for mature Christians to stand and be the person whom God called you to be in this season. The purpose of this book is to bring illumination to the powerful words spoken by the Apostle Paul recorded in Romans 8:19. “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” We will go on a journey from Genesis to Revelation, digging into the glorious truths hidden in God’s Word concerning the sons of God. My prayer is for an insatiable hunger for the mysteries of God to arise from inside every reader of this book. And I pray that the biblical mandate spoken by our Lord and Savior in John 14:12 will be fulfilled. “…He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”